Death of sai baba shirdi
Death of sai baba shirdi

Usually, I pray to Baba everyday while leaving my residence, “to reach me safely to my destination and to bring me home safely”. When I even think over the scene, it looks quite horrible. Only the simple remembrance of His name “Sai-Sai” in my mind, at all times, has saved me from the danger of death recently on 30-10-1982.

death of sai baba shirdi

The simple remembrance of my name as “Sai Sai” will do away with sins of speech and hearing” (Chap. It is my special characteristic to free any person who surrenders completely to me and who does worship me faithfully and who remembers me and meditates on me constantly.

death of sai baba shirdi

Those who chant my name repetedly, I will protect them always.Sai BabaīABA – A SAVIOUR (Shri Sai Leela December 1983) Shri Sai Baba declared to His staunch devotee, Shama, “if a man utters my name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion.

Death of sai baba shirdi